Acorp Training

Acorp Training

Acorp Training are Nationally reknown Industry Training Specialists..

It has been an exciting journey so far but there is so much more to come. To our existing friends in business, we say thank you for your continued support.

We say friends because it seems natural for our staff to form a warm association with the people we work for and with. Without you, we are nothing more than a name.

Our clients are as wide and varied as our business activities and our success depends on our capacity to continually exceed the growing and constantly changing needs of our clients.

We continually achieve our key performance indicators by focusing on our core business activities, utilising best industry practice measures and valuing our staff, contract personnel and consultants dedicated to their field of expertise.

We look at the people involved in Acorp Training and stand in awe at their level of vision, expertise and skill. Perhaps we were lucky, maybe our like minded attitudes attracted each other.

Whatever the case, our Clients continue to benefit from these attributes which in turn builds our platform for continued success into the future.

If you have yet to be a part of the Acorp experience, we take this opportunity to welcome you. Acorp Training is a truly unique organisation focused on providing that special level of service that exceeds what is generally considered industry best practice. We guarantee it!

Our Managing Director

Peter Warren

Following several years with a State Government Statutory Authority in which Peter was, amongst other things, responsible for the investigation of corrupt conduct, accidents and irregularities, development, implementation and monitoring of internal policies and procedures and general management of public monies and assets, Peter embarked on an Investigations industry role in the private sector.

Acclaim Investigations and Security Services were founded and following a number of organisational changes over the years to meet everchanging industry needs, The Acclaim Group evolved to set new industry standards in service delivery and client satisfaction. Training within the industry was the next logical step. Today, Peter, as Acorp Training, assists newcomers to the industry focus on becoming an asset to Investigation Firms around Australia.
